Velas FlashLight #16 —Grant program expands to $100m, opening the door to a new future
The sixteenth summary of everything that has happened with Velas these last weeks!
What is Velas FlashLight?
It’s all in the name — the latest and greatest news behind Velas across the globe, broken down into fast, digestible bites (Flash) illuminating the hard work our team has delivered in the past few weeks or so (Light).
Velas FlashLight is a bi-weekly roundup of Velas in the news and across social media, from videos and mentions from your favorite YouTubers and Twitter influencers, to waves Velas is making in traditional media and articles. All in one place.
A potential attack on threshold ECDSA has been prevented by the Velas science team
A potential attack on threshold ECDSA has been prevented, counter-terrorists win! Read this article by the Velas science team on how it was achieved 👇
Read the full article here.
Velas is the official Protocol Partner of the Swiss Blockchain Hackathon
Velas is incredibly excited to announce we are the official Protocol Partner of the Swiss Blockchain Hackathon! 🎉💥
Read all about it here.
Velas is up for a proposal on Bancor
Do you want to see Velas growing, expanding and becoming more widely adopted?
Go ahead and vote for Velas to get listed on Bancor in the link below👇
Velas has significantly expanded the grants program to $100 million USD
Velas has significantly expanded the grants program to $100m USD 👀🚀
Whether you are in DeFi, NFTs or gaming, your project might be eligible to receive up to $100,000 in funding 🙏🏼
For more details check out 👇
Bitquery have indexed Velas blockchain, allowing supporters to use Bitquery APIs to query Velas
Bitquery is a set of software tools that parse, index, access, search, and use information across blockchain networks in a unified way. Read all about it here 👇
VELAS looks to be gaining HUGE traction in Twitter mentions, up in 3rd place with some of the highest ranked crypto assets to date!
✅ #Velaspad is going to continue to propel Velas into new unseen territory with several IDO launches upcoming, and we can’t forget the MASSIVE $100m grant fund Velas is offering!
MAJOR issues with Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram, and Snapchat? Say ‘hello’ to BitOrbit
BitOrbit is the solution, fully decentralized and providing anonymity to all, while maintaining independence and not relying on the servers of large corporations and centralized companies/organizations! Learn more on:
Speaking with the CEO and founder of Velas, Alexander Alexandrov
COVID19 had a transformative effect on the way people, businesses and everything in the world functions 🗣
Have you questioned the impact of COVID19 on Velas? Let the founder himself give you the answer here 👇
What are the competitive advantages of Velas?
There is an increasing amount of competition in the blockchain industry, however, the value propositions of Velas remain still and clear 🔥
Hear it from our founder here👇
- Grant program update! — by Velas Spanish
- Fast Guides — How to create a wallet. stake, add tokens and swap from Velas Web Wallet using your Smartphone
- Let’s celebrate China’s National Day with Velas China
- Velas’s expansion of the Grants program has attracted everyone’s attention in Golden Finance
- Amongst other amazing headlines of 2021, Velas becomes the official protocol partner of Swiss Blockchain Hackathon
- Blockchain & Cryptocurrency
- Chat Hangout (Topic: Upcoming Hackathon event in Switzerland”
Latest Velas Digest
Weekly Digest 04.10–10.10
Catch up on our latest Velas digest, and let us know what you’re excited for with the week ahead: